The Lost Wallet
Its only your wallet which makes you work for long hours, save your perdiem, and think before buying something.Lets suppose, the wallet has cash, which you withdrew today, your license, your credit card (your saviour), some of your contact cards and so on.
What will be your reaction, if you forget it on a bench in a park,owing to your carelessness?
I am sure it will be "F**K".
"Lets block the card by calling customer care". etc etc.
Don't worry it wont happen to you but it happened to me in the stanley park, vancouver canada.
While having the bicyle ride in north america's biggest park, the stanley park, we stopped by the beach, parked our bikes, and relaxed for a while.
As I keep my wallet in back pocket, i took it out, before resting my butt on the bench.But unfortunately, i forgot to pick the wallet back.There was an old guy siting besides us.
When we left the place, and were about 2 Kms from the place, the same old guy saw us and told about my wallet lying there.He said about a couple sitting on that bench.A white girl and a black guy with her.
We just rode our bicycles, on wrong way, and reached the place finally, after receiving too many bad gestures from some people, for being on wrong way.
All in vain.There was no wallet there.There were some people , and we asked them.Everybody started looking around with us, but nothing.I got confused and started of thinking worst cases, tried to get my credit card cancelled.Suddenly a strong voice followed us."Guys, are you looking for a wallet", As we turned around, it was a black guy with a white girl.I had a sigh of relief, and with a great thanks, got it back.I really appreciate the canadian people for being so honest and considerate.This guy was looking at everyone coming his way for the face on license , he saw in my wallet.I felt so nice.I would like to thank all honest guys for leaving this everlasting respect for canada, and a great lesson learnt for my carelessness.