Concept - What is an EvEnInG?

Your evening decides, if you like a place or not(as the daytime is spent as working hours).Your evening decides your temperament for the next day.Your evening decides if you are going to sleep at office :).Your evening decides if your present girl friend is the one who can be your life partner :).

Evening for most of us is the time after noon.But for some people like me, the meaning is different.I cannot understand long words like evening, so I prefer to break it as EVEning or EVENing.I consider every evening as an EVE coming in after noon, for us.Also it EVENs all the odds which went against you till the afternoon.You will agree to me that most of the times after your hectic days, its only the evenings when you enjoy clubbing, resting on couch, playing games, boozing, sharing some talks with friends, having romance, lovely talks with family and sometimes sleeping.If I was the one who coined the name "evening", I would have done so , considering the things I said till now.

What do you think??


Yes, i am completely agree with you that Evening EVENs all the odds which went against you till the afternoon & it decides many things in individual's life...