Extra knowledge is the most dangerous thing
I have heard ,right from my childhood, that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.I hope you heard it too.
But being specific to the technical knowledge combined with the professional outlook, a little knowledge seems to be a blessing.
If you surpass the heavenly threshold of being a newbie in the company, you are welcomed in the world of geeks with extra knowledge.
Everyone will expect things from you, you need to take care of everyone, other than you, because you dont get time to see your belly eyes, coming out in front of you, pleading to get in.But most of the geeks put hands on their belly saying "It's experience man".
Extra knowledge makes you rich in terms of money and transient respect in an organization.But totally useless out of your office.
Follow the principle " Little knowledge sucks OTHERS, extra knowledge make you the OTHERS"
It is better to add a little to the little knowledge, so that you can leave your office on time.
Lets see, what you feel, just make sure that it's real...