S - mile


Did you ever try to think or correlate the real literal meaning of smile.I did.

I feel a smile can kill worries.We do everything for smiles and happiness.
We work hard to get smiles on our and our family faces.We study to score high and smile ourselves.Anything we do is done to bring up the smiles and happiness.Every fight can be solved with a smile, starting from two lovers fight to national riots.

I would say that every trouble is a milestone, letting us know the path and problems.But a S-Mile can Surpass Miles.What do you say?


dude.. completely agree !! good one !!
Unknown said…
Very true …… smile costs nothing but gives much. It takes a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. so enjoy this shortest distance ……….Well None is so rich or mighty that….. cannot get along without it and none is so poor that ……. cannot be made rich by it. Yet a biggest thing smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, …….it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away ……….so….. keep smiling…………………………..
Himant Gupta said…
sure...and i know u like it too :))