Everyone loves his home, has some desires to decorate it with marvellous furniture, a great wife :), and a lot more.
The house should be made in a way, and ofcourse maintained in a way, that you would want to go there, and spend your evenings after work.
But the irony is that everyone dreams about it, only a few can do it.
There is a coincidence too, whether the house belongs to rich, or poor, there is one room which relieves everyone in similar way.
It is the rest room.Sometimes when coming from highway , you dont get to stop anywhere.Also the traffic is so much that you dont want to get outta car and waste time.The only place where you make your first stop after entering the house is ??? you know it, you are intelligent.
And this is how the name "REST ROOM " emerged.The guy who coined this name, was intelligent to point out that a person can rest only in this room.LOL.
There are other rooms in house like living room, dining room, study room but nothing like rest room.Guess why.Because you can live without any of these room but "Rest room".You can avoid study room for a day, but a rest room???
In worst cases, some people keep resting in this room, for hours and hours.
So the crux is.. "rest room is the BEST room"