Humour - Gerela - the biggest hypocrites

Back after a long time...sorry about that, I was in a huge vicious circle of hypocrites.If you wonder who were the hyprocrites, well; I am not into politics, so it was not the politicians, not the managers, did not goto america/britain either.
So make a guess where I was? I know it is easy GUYS..
BTW, did you understand the title of this blog?
"Gerela - the biggest hypocrites"

Gerela is an anglo-saxon word(old english word), meaning dress or clothing item.
As you probably know that a dress is used to cover anyone.A dress can change the looks of a person, and can flip it atleast 180 or sometimes 360 (;)).
But if we make an inference, the dress makes you look different than what you are, whatever is visible to all, may be different than what it is actually.
God does not like this hypocrisy, so everyone is born naked :)), to be and look, the way he is.
But people were too smart, they coined some terms and some humans, in a way, that intelligent people can make out who is what.
In general, i would like to tell you, that the the word "GIRL" comes from gerela .:))
Someone who selected this name, by a lotto or some other random algorithm, might have thought the way, a normal man (like us) thinks.
Everywhere the girls pretend to have a guy who cares for them, who can love them forever, who can be there forever.
But in real? The girls are always attracted towards the guys who are with other girls or the guys who do not care for them, or have a lot of money.Girls find it difficult to get them, and this is the challenge,everyone likes challeneges, dont you? ( Well i do not, not in love atleast.It is a feeling, not a wild race).

They never go for a guy, who approaches them easily, cares for them and can love them forever.These guys are like some "Assholes" or a fly coming for honey.This lover guy becomes a piece of shit following them, and his fragrance not allowing other guys to stick around with them.

They say something else, and do something else, I do not blame them for it, it is the mistake of the person who coined the term " Girl" from "gerela" :)).

After so much explanation,I will make the title of topic easier for you, "Girls - the biggest hypocrites".

Guys on the other hand are generally true.Because they know their targets.Especially the guys who are playing around with many girls, so called "mavericks" or "chick magnets".They are real gem kind of people, who meet the needs of hypocrites.But since they are true, they enjoy it.They know when and how to use which clothes (gerela).Some call it "dressing sense".

In the present world, politicians, managers are more successful and behind every successful man there is a woman(gerela).Hence the success is obvious :)



Anonymous said…
Very "Ungerala" way of putting it .. nice!
To accentuate .. "A Gerala wearing guy, woos a Gerala" .. and they live happily ever after? .. you wish :P
A yore said, "God let people choose their own masks, and so .. people wore them as they liked, and God said .. "Ahem" .. and so the masks froze on their faces ... He said .. it'll hurt if you take it off, so now, be the Gerala yourself and may your tears wipe it off in years" ..
I know, very saddist ... I hope Gerala's live isn't :)
So much for, "be yourself", "honesty is the best policy", "I need someone who is pure at heart and I don't care much for looks", or stories of "Beauty & the Beast", "Princess & the Frog"... et all..
Unknown said…
well written my opinion, not all girls are hypocrites..there are ...but few... All that glitters is not gold (specially behind makeup) ;).
george said…
Unfortunately your article reveals the 'ugly truth' about girls and their social preferences but nevertheless it's never good to generalise about a particular group or sex. Equally one would argue that guys are hypocrites since many choose to live their lives based on decisions that would make them appear attractive to the female eyes. A fancy car or an expensive perfume displays nothing but the victimacy of the male kind to uniquify their presence to the opposite sex. Furthermore, the will to discover what drives the female mind so as to conquer it in practice could also be considered as an action of desperacy or hypocrism as one could argue.
Therefore, the 'general' conclusion is that, the human kind regardless of its sexual origin is a victim of its inability to understand the opposite sex and its preferences and thus being swirled into various actions of hypocrism...
Himant Gupta said…
Agree was just a small observation :))
dumitrash said…
and behind every successfull woman there is another man staring at her ass :D