Humour - Sad and bad Tales of Males?

My Music Compositions

The basic etiquette of respecting a woman is not so common.But you will wonder, if you think for a moment, that the personality who invents or invented the abuses, bad words, retrusive language, also keeps in mind that abuses are structurally designed for males.

The simplest and humble word being BULL-SHIT.The guy who coined this, never thought of making it COWSHIT, or BUFFALO SHIT.You know, all the bulls, feel so good, when they come to know that their shit is visible to humans everywhere, including work, a recent breakoff, an over-cooked food etc.Bulls are now moving one step ahead...

The next common abusive verb, which can fit any profession, is "BASTARD".It has various forms, it is basically multipurpose.
You can use as " Lucky bastard ", its a compliment.But again , it fits males.It will sound so good, if we say
"Hey you, yea, you dude, you are such a lucky bastard".On the other hand, it doesnt sound nice to ears, if it is used with female nouns ;).It suits all the professions, an example below.You can see all males are in the list of "bastards" :)

Another tempting word, which is used among guys, and specially framed to be used with males is A***HOLE.We (males) should be ashamed for this.I think this was invented by some girl for her boyfriend, assuming that the boy was always uttering crap, useless and boring talks.But still...

Increasing the level of conversation, guys are compatible with the term "FU**ER".
Although its true, but still they are not responsible to be blamed for it, because it cannot be done alone.So, why it applies or fits, suits only with males.If I say "John, you are FU**ER", it sounds correct grammatically, lexically etc etc.It loses charm with the other gender.

Writing this blog, I am so sad for males, but I am glad for females.
