Fact - The Moon and the Stars

This blog is dedicated to friends.It is a small rhyme which will highlight the importance of friends in life.

I do not know if it is same in other nations as well, that your counterpart/girlfriend/beloved is compared to moon sometimes.It is valid for india :))

So I thought, that friends should be STARS.

In this rhyme, you can assume the same.Girlfrirnd/Boyfriend = Moon, and friends = Stars.

On one lonely night,
When there was no Moon, and no moonlight,
I looked into the sky, and saw some stars,
Some of them were near, and some of them were far.

They looked soo beautiful and charming,
When I told them, that "you look amazing, as you never used to be",
They said, when the moon is there, you do not have the time to see,
We are the same as we used to be.

Moon has lots of fans and lovers, finding him is not always feasible,
Sometimes you might find moon, and sometimes it is not visible,
We will always be here with our dim but genuine lights,
Come and see us, even on the lonely and dark nights.

I promised them, that I will always do so,
Does not matter, if the moon, comes or go.

Love you all !!!!!

My Music Compositions www.himantguptaworld.com


Smriti Khullar said…
hmmm... niicee :)

i think dat the thought is really intrstin :P
Himant Gupta said…
Yea....i intrepreted Invictus hindi blog......in my own way....So two thoughts :)) , and two is equivalent to 11, as we all heard , right from our birth