The Salt Mines : Slanic, Prahova - Romania

I will not tell you about history of the salt mines and the dimensions.You can find brain filling information about it on the internet.

Let me tell you one interesting fact, that the romanians smoke a lot in their youth and then go to the salt mines for their ailments.Slanic salt mine is one of such centers, where you can find people for their respiratory treatments like asthama

The entrance fee is just 14 lei, which is approx. 3 Eur ;much less than the fee, for a doctor, who can be found strolling in the mine himself. BTW, the mine is just for visitors and treatments, not for the actual extractions..

Jokes apart, it is one of the best creations dug 210 meters below ground .The old elevator journey to 210 metres down might shut your ears; better to have a chewing gum.
Below is the picture of this elevator.

Other than this the complex has
An underground kids football playground. 

Underground Kids playing area

A shining lighted cross for religious people.

A small cafe house with books/news papers called "buffet",

Historic square about decebele and traian, the roman ruler who defeated decebel and was also responsible for the language people speak today called Romanian.

A small corner with glass chambers explaning things about amber and salt

The floors shine as if you will slip on them; but you do not.

Salt can be seen falling down from the ceiling, you can see and hear it live.

 Last but not the least there are uncrowded and smelly toilets.
Around the mine, there is a restaurant, some shops and some stray dogs.

Overall the journey is worth, will post another blog about salt lakes, houses architecture, sources of water in Slanic.

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